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    For my behind the scenes movie or show, I decided to watch the making of Criminal Minds. Criminal Minds is one of my favorite shows that I watch almost every day. It is a crime show where the FBI’s BAU department solves crimes from state to state. The show consists of very well thought out outcomes and twists throughout the episode while all connecting in main events that happen throughout the season within the episode. For this behind the scenes, this is specifically on season three. They mention right off the bat that having a third year for a show means that they wanted to throw something different at the audience to spice up their show.

    The cast starts talking about how their characters personal lives were never really shown up until this season. For the most part, the writers were just creating a murder case and an introduction to the main characters while solving the case. However, in this new season, the characters conflicts and big events for each are discovered throughout the season. JJ, one of the main characters, is revealed that she is pregnant, Spencer is traumatized by a kill, Hotch gets divorced, and so on. The actors seem to be excited that they now have their own storyline. Another thing about the actors is that one actress Garcia decided how to handle getting shot herself. She had no script on after she got shot how she would react. She liked having the freedom to choose how she thinks that her character would have really reacted.

    The writers, on the other hand, say that they love being able to get inside the mind of the killers and decide what he or she is going to do next. Of of the writers, Victoria Ruskin is shocked that when she sees the films of her writing come to life, she is stunned on how realistic and true they are filmed too. One interesting thing that one of the writers said was about a very small detail. In one of the scenes, there is a fireplace with words written in blood all over it. She says that obviously, no one is really able to read these things that all connect to the kill and the killer however it was necessary to put it into the film because that was in their writings and adds to the whole scenery of the film. They say that it doesn't matter if the audience can see these details because it all adds to the feeling for when the actors and crew are actually on set acting the scenes out to make them realistic.

    Another interesting thing for the crew on the show was for the people that were in charge of all “explosions” done in the show. They actually blow up houses if that is what is supposed to be in the scene. In the house, they have around 12-13 explosions. However, this is done on purpose because to the normal eye it just looks like one big explosion in a house.

    In conclusion, I could have guessed before that this show would be so much work because of how complex it is. It was really cool to see the true personalities of the actors that are in the show come to life. I liked hearing them talk about their own characters and what was going through their minds when they were shooting the scenes.

Criminal Minds Behind The Scenes

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