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   This week during class, Grace, Ashley and I started to put together a bigger film we have ideas for. We want to do a Halloween themed film with trick or treaters taking more than one piece of candy when they are only supposed to take one and put a twist on what happens to the kids. We went to Grace's house on Wed night to scout where everything will be set up with props and where the actors will be standing. After filming for the first time at night I have learned a lot more about how important lighting and ISO's are. My mistake was that my ISO was to high created grain and noise in my shots. We also now know we need a lot more lights than we intended because of how dark the shots looked when we tried filming them. We are supposed to film again on Sunday night with Lousia as our actress along with Devin as another actor. We have other friends who live in the area coming to be extras. 

   Overall it was really good that we decided to go film before Sunday the other day because now I know ahead of time, so we do not waste anyones time trying to figure everythig out when they get there! 

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